Emacs Tempo Tags (Template Expansion)

Posted on by on June 5th, 2013 | Comments Off on Emacs Tempo Tags (Template Expansion)


Today I discovered tempo tags while looking at Gurmeet Singh Manku's .emacs. Tempo tags are similar to Emacs Skeleton Mode. They are user defined templates that expand to allow for quick text insertion of common tasks.


After defining key words, you type the word, and invoke the "tempo-complete-tag" function, which expands the template to whatever you defined. As an example, in my configuration, in C-Mode, I type "main" and hit f9 and it expands: hello_tempo


I added these lines to my .emacs
(load-file "~/.emacs.d/tempo.el")
(global-set-key [f9] 'tempo-complete-tag)
note: there is probably a better way to set the hot-key to work only in the modes as defined, but I just lazily set it globally.
I created a new file "tempo.el" in my .emacs.d directory containing:
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- :Tempo Tags:
;;                 _____                      _____             
;;                |_   _|__ _ __  _ __  ___  |_   _|_ _ __ _ ___
;;                  | |/ -_) '  \| '_ \/ _ \   | |/ _` / _` (_-<
;;                  |_|\___|_|_|_| .__/\___/   |_|\__,_\__, /__/
;;                               |_|                   |___/    
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Usage 
;; |----------+-------------------------------------|
;; | key word | Insert a:                           |
;; |----------+-------------------------------------|
;; | include  | #include <> statement               |
;; | ifdef    | #ifdef #else #endif statement       |
;; | ifndef   | #ifndef #define #endif statement    |
;; |----------+-------------------------------------|
;; | if       | C if statement                      |
;; | else     | C else statement                    |
;; | ifelse   | C if else statement                 |
;; | while    | C while statement                   |
;; | for      | C for statement                     |
;; | fori     | C for loop: for(x = 0; x < ..; x++) |
;; | main     | C main statement                    |
;; | ifmalloc | C if (malloc...) statement          |
;; | ifcalloc | C if (calloc...) statement          |
;; | switch   | C switch statement                  |
;; | case     | C case statement                    |
;; |----------+-------------------------------------|
;; Source: http://xenon.stanford.edu/~manku/emacs.html
;; This is a way to hook tempo into cc-mode
(defvar c-tempo-tags nil
  "Tempo tags for C mode")
(defvar c++-tempo-tags nil
  "Tempo tags for C++ mode")

;;; C-Mode Templates and C++-Mode Templates (uses C-Mode Templates also)
(require 'tempo)
(setq tempo-interactive t)

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook '(lambda ()
                                (local-set-key [f9] 'tempo-complete-tag)))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook '(lambda ()
			  (tempo-use-tag-list 'c-tempo-tags)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook '(lambda ()
			    (tempo-use-tag-list 'c-tempo-tags)
			    (tempo-use-tag-list 'c++-tempo-tags)

;;; Preprocessor Templates (appended to c-tempo-tags)

(tempo-define-template "c-include"
		       '("include <" r ".h>" > n
		       "Insert a #include <> statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-ifdef"
		       '("ifdef " (p "ifdef-clause: " clause) > n> p n
			 "#else /* !(" (s clause) ") */" n> p n
			 "#endif /* " (s clause)" */" n>
		       "Insert a #ifdef #else #endif statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-ifndef"
		       '("ifndef " (p "ifndef-clause: " clause) > n
			 "#define " (s clause) n> p n
			 "#endif /* " (s clause)" */" n>
		       "Insert a #ifndef #define #endif statement"
;;; C-Mode Templates
(tempo-define-template "c-if"
		       '(> "if (" (p "if-clause: " clause) ")" n>
                           "{" > n>
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C if statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-else"
		       '(> "else" n>
                           "{" > n>
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C else statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-if-else"
		       '(> "if (" (p "if-clause: " clause) ")"  n>
                           "{" > n
                           > r n
                           "}" > n
                           "else" > n
                           "{" > n>
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C if else statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-while"
		       '(> "while (" (p "while-clause: " clause) ")" >  n>
                           "{" > n
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C while statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-for"
		       '(> "for (" (p "for-clause: " clause) ")" >  n>
                           "{" > n
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C for statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-for-i"
		       '(> "for (" (p "variable: " var) " = 0; " (s var)
                           " < "(p "upper bound: " ub)"; " (s var) "++)" >  n>
                           "{" > n
                           > r n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C for loop: for(x = 0; x < ..; x++)" 		       'c-tempo-tags) (tempo-define-template "c-main" 		       '(> "int main(int argc, char *argv[])" >  n>
                           "{" > n>
                           > r n
                           > "return 0 ;" n>
                           > "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C main statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-if-malloc"
		       '(> (p "variable: " var) " = ("
                           (p "type: " type) " *) malloc (sizeof(" (s type)
                           ") * " (p "nitems: " nitems) ") ;" n>
                           > "if (" (s var) " == NULL)" n>
                           > "error_exit (\"" (buffer-name) ": " r ": Failed to malloc() " (s var) " \") ;" n>
		       "Insert a C if (malloc...) statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-if-calloc"
		       '(> (p "variable: " var) " = ("
                           (p "type: " type) " *) calloc (sizeof(" (s type)
                           "), " (p "nitems: " nitems) ") ;" n>
                           > "if (" (s var) " == NULL)" n>
                           > "error_exit (\"" (buffer-name) ": " r ": Failed to calloc() " (s var) " \") ;" n>
		       "Insert a C if (calloc...) statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-switch"
		       '(> "switch (" (p "switch-condition: " clause) ")" n>
                           "{" >  n>
                           "case " (p "first value: ") ":" > n> p n
                           "break;" > n> p n
                           "default:" > n> p n
                           "break;" > n
                           "}" > n>
		       "Insert a C switch statement"

(tempo-define-template "c-case"
		       '(n "case " (p "value: ") ":" > n> p n
			   "break;" > n> p
		       "Insert a C case statement"
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