Qt Reference Documentation

calculator.qml Example File

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 import QtQuick 1.0
 import "CalculatorCore"
 import "CalculatorCore/calculator.js" as CalcEngine

 Rectangle {
     id: window

     width: 360; height: 480
     color: "#282828"

     property string rotateLeft: "\u2939"
     property string rotateRight: "\u2935"
     property string leftArrow: "\u2190"
     property string division : "\u00f7"
     property string multiplication : "\u00d7"
     property string squareRoot : "\u221a"
     property string plusminus : "\u00b1"

     function doOp(operation) { CalcEngine.doOperation(operation) }

     Item {
         id: main
         state: "orientation " + runtime.orientation

         property bool landscapeWindow: window.width > window.height
         property real baseWidth: landscapeWindow ? window.height : window.width
         property real baseHeight: landscapeWindow ? window.width : window.height
         property real rotationDelta: landscapeWindow ? -90 : 0

         rotation: rotationDelta
         width: main.baseWidth
         height: main.baseHeight
         anchors.centerIn: parent

         Column {
             id: box; spacing: 8

             anchors { fill: parent; topMargin: 6; bottomMargin: 6; leftMargin: 6; rightMargin: 6 }

             Display {
                 id: display
                 width: box.width-3
                 height: 64

             Column {
                 id: column; spacing: 6

                 property real h: ((box.height - 72) / 6) - ((spacing * (6 - 1)) / 6)
                 property real w: (box.width / 4) - ((spacing * (4 - 1)) / 4)

                 Row {
                     spacing: 6
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'purple'; operation: "Off" }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'purple'; operation: leftArrow }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'purple'; operation: "C" }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'purple'; operation: "AC" }

                 Row {
                     spacing: 6
                     property real w: (box.width / 4) - ((spacing * (4 - 1)) / 4)

                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'green'; operation: "mc" }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'green'; operation: "m+" }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'green'; operation: "m-" }
                     Button { width: column.w; height: column.h; color: 'green'; operation: "mr" }

                 Grid {
                     id: grid; rows: 5; columns: 5; spacing: 6

                     property real w: (box.width / columns) - ((spacing * (columns - 1)) / columns)

                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "7"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "8"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "9"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: division }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: squareRoot }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "4"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "5"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "6"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: multiplication }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "x^2" }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "1"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "2"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "3"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "-" }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "1/x" }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "0"; color: 'blue' }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "." }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: plusminus }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "+" }
                     Button { width: grid.w; height: column.h; operation: "="; color: 'red' }

         states: [
             State {
                 name: "orientation " + Orientation.Landscape
                 PropertyChanges { target: main; rotation: 90 + rotationDelta; width: main.baseHeight; height: main.baseWidth }
             State {
                 name: "orientation " + Orientation.PortraitInverted
                 PropertyChanges { target: main; rotation: 180 + rotationDelta; }
             State {
                 name: "orientation " + Orientation.LandscapeInverted
                 PropertyChanges { target: main; rotation: 270 + rotationDelta; width: main.baseHeight; height: main.baseWidth }

         transitions: Transition {
             SequentialAnimation {
                 RotationAnimation { direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest; duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuint  }
                 NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y,width,height"; duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuint }