Qt Reference Documentation

embeddedsvgviewer.cpp Example File

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 #include <QPainter>
 #include <QApplication>

 #include "embeddedsvgviewer.h"

 EmbeddedSvgViewer::EmbeddedSvgViewer(const QString &filePath)
     qApp->setStyleSheet(" QSlider:vertical { width: 50px; } \
                           QSlider::groove:vertical { border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 3px; width: 6px; } \
                           QSlider::handle:vertical { height: 25px; margin: 0 -22px; image: url(':/files/v-slider-handle.svg'); } \

     m_renderer = new QSvgRenderer(filePath);
     m_imageSize = m_renderer->viewBox().size();

     m_viewBoxCenter = (QPointF(m_imageSize.width() / qreal(2.0), m_imageSize.height() / qreal(2.0)));

     m_zoomSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical, this);

     connect(m_zoomSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setZoom(int)));

     m_quitButton = new QPushButton("Quit", this);

     connect(m_quitButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));

     if (m_renderer->animated())
         connect(m_renderer, SIGNAL(repaintNeeded()), this, SLOT(update()));


 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
     QPainter painter(this);

 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event )
     int incX = int((event->globalX() - m_mousePress.x()) * m_imageScale);
     int incY = int((event->globalY() - m_mousePress.y()) * m_imageScale);

     QPointF newCenter;
     newCenter.setX(m_viewBoxCenterOnMousePress.x() - incX);
     newCenter.setY(m_viewBoxCenterOnMousePress.y() - incY);

     QRectF newViewBox = getViewBox(newCenter);

     // Do a bounded move on the horizontal:
     if ( (newViewBox.left() >= m_viewBoxBounds.left()) &&
          (newViewBox.right() <= m_viewBoxBounds.right()) )

     // do a bounded move on the vertical:
     if (  (newViewBox.top() >= m_viewBoxBounds.top()) &&
           (newViewBox.bottom() <= m_viewBoxBounds.bottom()) )


 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event )
     m_viewBoxCenterOnMousePress = m_viewBoxCenter;
     m_mousePress = event->globalPos();

 QRectF EmbeddedSvgViewer::getViewBox(QPointF viewBoxCenter)
     QRectF result;
     result.setLeft(viewBoxCenter.x() - (m_viewBoxSize.width() / 2));
     result.setTop(viewBoxCenter.y() - (m_viewBoxSize.height() / 2));
     result.setRight(viewBoxCenter.x() + (m_viewBoxSize.width() / 2));
     result.setBottom(viewBoxCenter.y() + (m_viewBoxSize.height() / 2));
     return result;

 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::updateImageScale()
     m_imageScale = qMax( (qreal)m_imageSize.width() / (qreal)width(),
                                (qreal)m_imageSize.height() / (qreal)height())*m_zoomLevel;

     m_viewBoxSize.setWidth((qreal)width() * m_imageScale);
     m_viewBoxSize.setHeight((qreal)height() * m_imageScale);

 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * /* event */ )
     qreal origZoom = m_zoomLevel;

     // Get the new bounds:
     m_zoomLevel = 1.0;
     m_viewBoxBounds = getViewBox(QPointF(m_imageSize.width() / 2.0, m_imageSize.height() / 2.0));

     m_zoomLevel = origZoom;
     m_viewBox = getViewBox(m_viewBoxCenter);

     QRect sliderRect;
     sliderRect.setLeft(width() - m_zoomSlider->sizeHint().width());
     sliderRect.setBottom(height() - (height()/4));

 void EmbeddedSvgViewer::setZoom(int newZoom)
     m_zoomLevel = qreal(newZoom) / qreal(100);

     m_viewBox = getViewBox(m_viewBoxCenter);
