Qt Reference Documentation

main.cpp Example File

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 #include <QtGui>
 #include "mediaplayer.h"

 const qreal DefaultVolume = -1.0;

 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
     QApplication app(argc, argv);
     app.setApplicationName("Media Player");

     QString fileName;
     qreal volume = DefaultVolume;
     bool smallScreen = false;
 #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
     smallScreen = true;

     QStringList args(app.arguments());
     args.removeFirst(); // remove name of executable
     while (!args.empty()) {
         const QString &arg = args.first();
         if (QLatin1String("-small-screen") == arg || QLatin1String("--small-screen") == arg) {
             smallScreen = true;
         } else if (QLatin1String("-volume") == arg || QLatin1String("--volume") == arg) {
             if (!args.empty()) {
                 volume = qMax(qMin(args.first().toFloat(), float(1.0)), float(0.0));
         } else if (fileName.isNull()) {
             fileName = arg;

     MediaPlayer player;
     if (DefaultVolume != volume)
     if (!fileName.isNull())

     if (smallScreen)

     return app.exec();